英语写作中“一致的”、“相似的”、“相等的”identical similar equal等的用法

一、identical 用于表示信息、内容等的一致性——完全一样,例如:

The messages they received were identical.(他们收到的信息完全一致。)

If the password you enter isn’t identical to one you register, you can’t pass authentication of your legitimacy.(如果你输入的口令与注册的口令不一致,你就不能通过合法性认证。)

The adversary forged a signature identical to the authentic one.(那个敌手伪造了一个和真实签名完全一样的签名。)

注意,identical 不能形容数、值。但是我们会见到:an identical number ,这里number 是数码、编号的意思,例如:

The number of this room is identical to that of next one.(这个房间的编号与隔壁房间完全一样。)

The original code and complement of a positive integer are identical.(正整数的原码和补码是一样的。)

二、equal 表示值、数的相等,这个用法很简单,不再举例。

三、similar 既可以表示信息、内容等的相似,也可以表示值、数的相似(接近、近似,与approximate 同义)。例如:

The authors proposed a new scheme similar to their original one.(作者提出了一个与他们最初方案相似的方案。)

One may wonder whether face identification could fail when two people look quite similar.(人们会疑惑当两人很像时人脸识别是否会失败。)


a similar number/amount/size/volume/value/result/……

或:a number/amount/size/volume/value/result/……similar to ……

In each round of iteration, we obtain a similar result.(每一轮迭代我们都得到相似的结果。)

In autumn, 25,000 students enroll in the university and a similar number of students graduate from the university.


四、the same 的用法与similar 相同,可以形容数、值的相等,以及信息、内容等的相同:

the same number/amount/size/volume/value/result/……as……

