Scala 之舞:林浩然与杨凌芸的 IDEA 冒险


Scala 之舞:林浩然与杨凌芸的 IDEA 冒险

The Dance of Scala: The IDEA Adventure of Lin Haoran and Yang Lingyun

在那个阳光明媚的日子里,林浩然如同一位英勇的探险家,踏入了 Scala 的 IntelliJ IDEA 开发环境的奇妙领域,他带着无畏的勇气,准备在代码的世界中掀起一场风暴。

On that sunny day, Lin Haoran, like a brave explorer, stepped into the wondrous realm of the Scala IntelliJ IDEA development environment. With fearless courage, he was ready to stir up a storm in the world of code.

他熟练地启动 IDEA,安装 Scala 插件,配置默认 JDK,每一个步骤都如行云流水,仿佛这是他早已熟悉的舞台。

He skillfully launched IDEA, installed the Scala plugin, and configured the default JDK. Each step flowed smoothly, as if it were a stage he had long been familiar with.

紧接着,他创建了“ScalaDemo”项目,这就像是他为自己打造的代码王国。而“HelloWorld”的 Scala 类则是他向这个世界发出的热情问候。“TestHelloWorld”的 Scala 单例对象更是他的独门秘籍,随时准备在代码的战场上创造奇迹。

Next, he created the “ScalaDemo” project, which was like his own code kingdom. The “HelloWorld” Scala class was his warm greeting to this world. The “TestHelloWorld” Scala singleton object was his secret weapon, always ready to create miracles on the battlefield of code.


After completing these tasks, Lin Haoran faced the challenge of homework. He needed to output student information, transforming into a wise detective, unveiling the mysterious veil of the students. The task of printing Snoopy turned him into a creative master, making Snoopy shine with adorable light in the world of code.


Yang Lingyun, the beautiful heroine, was like Lin Haoran’s muse of inspiration. Her presence was like a warm ray of sunshine, giving him strength when he encountered difficulties.

他们的故事,恰似一首激昂的代码交响曲,在 IntelliJ IDEA 的天地中奏响。他们一同在这个充满趣味与挑战的世界里成长,书写着属于他们的传奇。

Their story is like an impassioned symphony of code, resonating in the universe of IntelliJ IDEA. Together, they grow in this world full of fun and challenges, writing their own legend.