D. Count the Arrays,组合,Educational Codeforces Round 83 (Rated for Div. 2)

D. Count the Arrays,Educational Codeforces Round 83 (Rated for Div. 2)

Your task is to calculate the number of arrays such that:

each array contains n elements;
each element is an integer from 1 to m;
for each array, there is exactly one pair of equal elements;
for each array a, there exists an index i such that the array is strictly ascending before the i-th element and strictly descending after it (formally, it means that aj<aj+1, if j<i, and aj>aj+1, if j≥i).

思路:首先枚举第i位有最大数字j,则前i-1位有 C j − 1 i − 1 C_{j-1}^{i-1} Cj1i1种取法,然后后面有n-i个数字,他们都在剩下的j-i个数字中取,因为一旦数字选定,他们的位置就确定了,所以其中有一个数字应该与前i-1个数字中的一个相同,那么取法就有i-1种,再从剩下的j-i个数字中选n-i-1个数字即可,故总的取法数为 C j − 1 i − 1 ∗ ( i − 1 ) ∗ C j − i n − i − 1 C_{j-1}^{i-1}*(i-1)*C_{j-i}^{n-i-1} Cj1i1(i1)Cjini1,化简后为 j − n + 2 ∗ . . . ∗ j − 1 ( i − 2 ) ! ( n − i − 1 ) ! \frac{j-n+2 *...*j-1}{(i-2)!(n-i-1)!} (i2)!(ni1)!jn+2...j1,直接预处理出所有要用到的数字的逆元,然后可以发现分子分母都只和i或j有关,分别枚举i,j即可,注意i,j的取值范围

#define ll long long
#define MAXN 400005
using namespace std;
const long long MOL = 998244353 ;
long long inv[MAXN],fac[MAXN];
long long qpow(long long a, long long b, long long mod)//?a^b % mod
    long long ans = 1;
    a %= mod;
        if(b & 1)ans = a*ans%mod;
        b >>= 1;
        a = a*a%mod;
    return ans;
inline void getInv(int k)
	fac[0] = 1;
	for(int i = 1;i <= k;++i)
		fac[i] = fac[i-1] * i % MOL; 
	inv[k] = qpow(fac[k],MOL-2,MOL);
	for(int i = k-1;i >= 0;--i)
		inv[i] = inv[i+1] * (i+1) % MOL;
int main()
	int n,m;
	ll ans;
		ans = 0;
		for(int i = n-1;i <= m;++i)
			ans = (ans + fac[i-1] * inv[i-n+1]%MOL)%MOL;
		ll tmp = 0;
		for(int i = 2;i < n;++i)
			tmp = (tmp+inv[i-2] * inv[n-i-1]%MOL)%MOL;
		ans = ans * tmp %MOL;
	return 0;