adb shell 执行sh脚本_在Android ADB Shell中运行Shell脚本
I'm trying to create a script to find and remove my app from the Android emulator through the adb shell.
This is what I've got:
adb shell "
cd data/app
for app in com.mycompany.*.apk;
echo $app
bundle=$(echo $app | sed 's/-[0-9]//g')
echo 'bundle name is $bundle'
if [ '$bundle' != '' ];then
adb uninstall $bundle
echo 'No apps found'
But it doesn't seem to work as expected.
my for loop doesn't iterate through anything. If I manually run the commands exactly as above in the shell, it works, but when I run it from a shellscript then the for loop doesn't see the files or anything. Although if I add an "ls", it prints the contents of the folder correctly... So;
echo $app prints nothing (an empty string) and;
echo 'bundle name is $bundle' prints bundle name is.
Therefore, it obviously never goes inside my if block, falling in to my else clause and that's it.
What am I doing wrong? I'm not very experienced in shell script, I'd appreciate any ideas.
My goal with this is to have a shell function that I can call to automate the process of removing my app from the emulator without having to drag it and uninstall it manually. Other ideas are also very much welcome.
You should not really go through the /data/app folder. If you want to uninstall multiple packages with names matching the com.mycompany pattern with a single adb command use:
adb shell "pm list packages com.mycompany | cut -c9- | xargs -n 1 sh /system/bin/pm uninstall"