蒙特卡罗模拟 python Monte Carlo Simulation

1. 蒙特卡罗模拟



蒙特卡洛模拟的一个简单示例是考虑计算掷出两个标准骰子的概率。骰子有 36 种组合。基于此,您可以手动计算特定结果的概率。使用蒙特卡罗模拟,您可以模拟掷骰子 10,000 次(或更多),以实现更准确的预测。


  1. 设置预测模型,确定要预测的因变量和驱动预测的自变量(也称为输入、风险或预测变量)。
  2. 指定自变量的概率分布。使用历史数据和/或分析师的主观判断来定义可能值的范围并为每个值分配概率权重。
  3. 重复运行模拟,生成自变量的随机值。这样做,直到收集到足够的结果来构成近乎无限数量的可能组合的代表性样本。


2. Python 蒙特卡罗模拟计算 π \pi π

# import libraries
import numpy as np

# initialize variables
n_simulations = 100000
n_points_circle = 0
n_points_square = 0

# create lists to store x and y values
l_xs = []
l_ys = []

# loop n_simulations times
for _ in range(n_simulations):
    # x is randomly drawn from a continuous uniform distritbuion
    x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1)
    # store x in the list
    # y is randomly drawn from a continuous uniform distribution
    y = np.random.uniform(-1, 1)
    # store y in the list

# loop n_simulations times
for i in range(n_simulations):
    # calculate the distance between the point and the origin
    dist_from_origin = l_xs[i] ** 2 + l_ys[i] ** 2
    # if the distance is smaller than or equal to 1, the point is in the circle
    if dist_from_origin <= 1:
        n_points_circle += 1
    # by definition of the uniform distribution, the point is in the square
    n_points_square += 1

# estimate the value of pi
pi = 4 * n_points_circle / n_points_square

3. Reference

[1] https://www.ibm.com/topics/monte-carlo-simulation
[2] https://medium.com/@whystudying/monte-carlo-simulation-with-python-13e09731d500